Ah, we descend to the main event of the annual Horne Creek Farm Corn Shucking Frolic. Around 10,000 folks showed up for the gala, taking part in old time music, food, and historic tradition.
Here's Uncle Rick(the man who makes this event possible) and myself getting a smile in for the camera. We are the smartest people in the family. Two geniuses of different generations, sharing the warm sun.
This is a little farm girl, quietly praying to the Blue Grass Gods.
This is RyMar. Voted "Best of Their Generation" by People Magazine, 2007.
Not sure who this guy is. He just sort of jumped ship to be there. Love you, Dad.
This guy walked from Scotland just to be seen in Shoals, NC, wearing a kilt. After a long day of bagpipping, he said the only thing left for him to do was "lay down."
Here's the famous Nunn Brothers doing what they do best: pickin', grinnin', and tellin' muscial stories. Rock On!
Yeah! Shake whatcha mama gave ya! Uncle Rick doin the boot, scoot, boogie. Get er done!
This was quite the multi-cultured event. Nothin but love from Asia!
These kids must not have any allergies! Playin' in all them corn husks would have sent me straight to the hospital.
A little jump rope anyone? The Ladies of Shalot were tearin' it up!
Whatchoo lookin' at fool? Whatsamattta you never seen a stressed out lamb?
Moo Cow and little girl conversing about the Bush Adminstration.
"We have been together for over forty years!" Now that's true love!
"This sign has got to come down," the goat said. "I told Rick if the people fed us and we got sick, we wouldn't blame him, we would blame the state."
This cat was getting ready to be fed to the massive "Horned Creek Monster," lurking somewhere within the blue grass midst.
The Three Amigos smile and wonder when there will be a sequel.
Here's the parents Cook enjoying the music and festivities. All they wanted was to eat some Mexican.
In closing, from left to far right then front and center: RyMar, Dad "The Commander," and Mema Jones "The General."
**Note: My wife will have you note that she did the pics, and I did the commentary. Seasons Greetings! Christmas Time's A Comin'!