Sunday, February 17, 2008

Birthday Celebrations

Yesterday, Saturday 2/16, we spent the day in Mt. Airy- first to my mom's for the big reveal that we're taking her to the Big Apple for the weekend for her double thirtieth birthday. Brandon, Kelly, and Ashtyn, who were on their way to Disney World, crossed paths with dad, who was coming back from Tampa, all called in together so we could all break the news. Can't wait! We're leaving 2/29. Here's the best shot of shock:

Then on to Ryan's dad's birthday shindig- a taco party of normal Jessup proportions--ginormous--cooked with love by the birthday boy himself.

Then there was Mema's millionaire pie, with a singing "1" candle--because "those are the only ones that sing".
Ryan wrote a special poem for his dad, which he of course loved.

Cupid brings snow...

On Wednesday night, 2/13, we were watching American Idol and as I went to the kitchen, something caught my eye out the window--my lands, it's pouring snow! Here are some pics of the night and the next morning--we got about 3". Since we didn't even know there was a chance of snow, it was quite a pleasant surprise.

The next day we enjoyed 60 degree weather, and as a result, an empty flowerpot broke--I guess the extreme cold to extreme heat broke this dollar store find. I found it poetic, you can ponder your own philosophical conclusion.

Pretty, Healthy

On our quest to eat healthier, this photo op presented itself. Simple. Yummy. Fresh from the earth.... : )

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Lovelee Reunion at Melissa's Baby Shower

Last weekend, Feb 2, I went to a baby shower for Melissa at Jenn's house in Clayton and got to see several of the Lovelee girls (the girls from my college Bible study). It was a blast from the past complete with reminising over old pictures--I know it's only been a few years, but there were pictures of things that I don't even remember--for example my hair being really long. Anyway, it was a great time, and here are some pics.

Top: Casey, Katie, Melissa, Jenn, Erica w Vivian.
Bottom: Kelly, me.

Case, E and I. E had Vivian back in August and this was the first time I got to meet her--she is so precious and a very happy baby! I don't think it really hit me until I really saw E with Vivian with my own eyes that she had had a baby! And to think she thought she would be the last one of us to have a child and now she is the pioneer!

This is me w Vivian- I think she liked me--or my hair at least. Note to self- pull back hair when holding babies or they will pull your hair.

Or, give the baby a toy to distract from the hair and turn baby facing front. I think it went well, but this girl is not quite ready for one of her own--one day.......