Monday, October 8, 2007

Are we really bloggers?

Fair warning: We do not plan to post regularly so no use really to put us in your "favorites" and check for updates daily as I do for other fellow bloggers. I feel obliged to say this because I always find myself slightly disappointed as I go through the list and find not many bloggers I know are very faithful to update as often as I wish they would...I know this is funny but just trying to manage expectations here. The reason for starting this blog is not as momentous as most I know- I'm not pregnant, we don't have children to share cute photos and stories of, and I don't have big revalations to share (or at least that I wish to publish)--I should clarify here that I dearly love to read the blogs of those of you who do have these fabulously momentous things in your life and I wouldn't know the blog universe without you. It really boils down to the fact that I want to email pictures but I am too lazy to send 10 emails with 3 pictures each because my email service only allows 10MB per email. So, here it begins, our entrance into blogging, and I plan to later publish our vacation photos of our recent adventure to San Francisco. I do now realize in the time it has taken me to write this little excerpt that I could have probably sent the 10 emails by now, but oh well, at least your inbox won't be clogged with 10 emails and I'll get to say I'm officially a blogger.

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