Thursday, April 10, 2008


Erica tagged me, so I'm to fill out the below. Here are my responses.

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Current- Global Sourcing Manager- C9 mens and boys athleticwear- go buy it at Target- seriously- you know your man needs some new workout and lounge wear.
2. Receptionist at a hair salon
3. Real Estate Call Receiver- I don't remember the exact name of this job, it's somewhat blocked from my memory because this is the only job I was ever FIRED from- I know that is hard to believe. I still don't know why- why would anyone fire me? : )
4. Lawn Care- mowing, weedeating, picking up trash, mulching, etc for the family business from a single digit age until leaving for college pretty much. Hard core, Cook family style work : )

Four movies I've watched more than once:
I have to admit there are many- I live with a movie fanatic. So to make it interesting, I will list trilogies I've watched more than once. I have to admit, I really love them all myself.
1. Lord of the Rings
2. Bourne
3. Matrix
4. Spiderman
Bonus: Star Wars

Four T.V. Shows that I watch:
1. Biggest Loser- love it!
2. American Idol- I told myself I wouldn't watch it this year, but then Ryan started working for FOX and he was watching it, and I do it only out of support for my husband- ha! Plus, it's a guaranteed conversation piece with about anybody.
3. 24- Too bad it was cancelled this season. Get well Kiefer!
4. Friday Night Lights- Too bad it's not coming back until Jan 2009 unless I change to Direct TV to the exclusive showings thru them- that's not happening.

Four places I have been:
1. Almost all of North America- 48 US states (Alaska and Hawaii included, Canada, Mexico--only missing North Dakota and Wisconsin I believe)
2. Turkey
3. Nicaragua
4. Philippines

Four People who e-mail me (regularly):
Not many other than my work, I feel sad. Email me people!
1. Ryan
2. Mom
3. Kelly, my sis-in-law- recently we have been regularly emailing and encouraging one another in our goals to get fit, eat healthier, and count those points!
4. Target, Sephora, Pottery Barn, Gap

Four of my favorite foods:
In light of the aforementioned quest to eat healthier.....
1. Kashi Cookies- specifically oatmeal w dark chocolate chips
2. Veggie Eggrolls- baked not fried
3. Smart One Cookie Dough Sundae
4. Veggie Chicken Stirfry

Four Places I would like to visit:
Four? I can think of a thousand!
1. Somewhere in Africa
2. Australia
3. Singapore
4. Wisconsin and North Dakota- so I can say I've been to every state!

Things I am looking forward to in the coming year:
1. Making over my bedroom
2. Grilling out
3. Warm weather
4. Summer hours!-Friday's off for eight weeks

I'm not officially tagging anyone, but everyone is welcome to respond!

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